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Menstruation Education Resources
Menstruation is a cross sectorial issue, dominantly linked with education, human rights, reproductive health as well as water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and gender sectors in Nepal. In the absence of informed planning, policies and programs, women and girls might be deprived of not only human dignity during their menstruation, but also suffering from social stigma and taboos around menstruation on their health and education.
In Nepal, women and girls do not have the basic right to a dignified menstrual cycle. This means that they are subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment, including abuse and violence. The exclusionary practices, stigma and prohibitions surrounding menstruation, inherent in traditional beliefs and cultural heritage practices, have a negative impact on school attendance and employment, preventing women and girls from fully participating in economic and social life. This has become an emerging problem in Nepal. Due to the lack of informed plans, policies and programs, women and girls are not only deprived of human dignity during menstruation, but also social stigma and taboo on their health and education. Majority teachers are skipping reproductive health and Menstruation content so students have rare understanding of physiology human body and its system. Therefore, A Menstruation education toolkits were developed to ease and less challenging for teacher and students while learning sexual reproductive health.
Blood and Social System:
Battle of “Purity” And “Impurity”
Lina Baniya
Researchers, Dignity Without Danger, Department of Sociology, Tribhuvan UniversityMensuration practices have many systems. This rapid ethnographic research is about the Nepalese women practices during mensuration. It has multiple procedures of interviews (In-depth, Key and Focus group discussion) conducted in the different 4 provinces and 7 districts in the Nepalese society. It revels subjective experiences of women’s menstrual knowledge, perception, restriction, and practices.
Mensuration restrictions: A body politics
Lina Baniya
Researchers, Dignity Without Danger, Department of Sociology, Tribhuvan UniversityNepal has diverse stories for menstruation practices. Menstruation as a source of social stigma and taboos equally it is the mark of women reproductive age. different research has done to explore the mensuration practices in which number of research show mensuration practice is confined and defined by society religion and the cultural authorities.
Blood and social system paper 1
Body politics paper 2
महिनावारीसम्बन्धी नेपालको अभियान
‘मेन्स्ट्रुएक्सन’ ले कसरी नेपालका किशोरी र महिलाको जीवन महिनैपिच्छे थप सहज बनाउँदै लगिरहेको छ
Ruby’s World
Help empower girls through education about menstrual hygiene management
महिनावारी शिक्षा
नेपाल सरकार पाठ्यक्रम विकास केन्द्रको पाठ्यक्रममा आधाररित महिनावारी स्वच्छता व्यवस्थापन सम्बन्धी कक्षा ४ देखि १२ कक्षा सम्मको सन्दर्भ सामग्री
Ruby’s Story Nepali
रेडियो संवाद सँगालो
सामान्यतया महिनावारी हुनु अगाडि एक प्रकारको इरिटेसन, चिटचिटाहापन हुने तथा…
4th International Dignified Menstruation Day
Menstrual Discrimination refers to taboos, shyness, shame, stigma, restrictions, abuses, violence, deprivation from resources that are associated with menstruation..